Can Dogs Have Ginger Ale? – Is Ginger Toxic to Dogs? [2022]

Ginger ale is indeed a sugary, frothy drink that is said to help with digestion problems. What happens, though, if your furry friend isn’t doing well? Will ginger ale help your pet’s gastrointestinal issues as well? Is it okay for canines to drink ginger ale? Learn all of it there is to learn regarding if or not canines are allowed to drink ginger ale.

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Can Dogs Have Ginger Ale? 

Ginger ale is not recommended for dogs since it incorporates sugar, phony flavors, as well as sugar substitutes. Sugar is unhealthy for canines, and certain sweeteners, such as xylitol, are harmful to them. Furthermore, in the absence of ginger, this drink’s carbonation, as well as acidity, may render your dog worse. Not eating for several hrs might assist your pet’s digestive tract to relax if they’re not feeling good.

What Do You Mean by Ginger Ale?

The drink, ginger ale is said to have emerged in the country of Ireland and was originally utilized as a tummy tonic. Ginger ale is now appreciated by individuals all around the globe, and it is frequently used to treat uneasiness as well as upset stomachs.

What are the Ingredients That Ginger Ale is Made up of?

Molasses, ginger root, salt as well as water processed along with whey are all used in conventional ginger ale. Industrial ginger ale is often made up of organic or artificial ginger taste, carbonated water, plus sucrose or high-fructose maize sweetener, and is most frequently found in food shops. Ginger ale could be used as an additive in alcoholic beverages or consumed by itself.

What Occurs When a Dog Drinks Too Much of Ginger Ale?

Whenever your dog consumes excessive ginger ale, he or she might suffer from the following symptoms:

Vomiting: Since ginger ale is carbonated, the dog might vomit. This is one of many symptoms that you will observe if your dog consumes ginger ale.

Diarrhea: Owing to the carbohydrate concentration within ginger ale, one’s dog might well have diarrhea.

Gas and digestive problems: An overabundance of ginger ale could cause swelling and flatulence in the stomach.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): The main prevalent negative consequence of ginger ale consumption is stomach discomfort. It’s essential to consult your veterinarian right away when your dog exhibits either of these indications.

Can You Give Fresh Ginger to Your Dog?

Because the ginger within ginger ale is just not toxic to your canine friend, the safest option is to give him raw, fresh ginger.

Throughout millennia, ginger root, which is related to turmeric, was utilized as a cure for sickness as well as upset stomach. It also is anti-inflammatory, rendering it an effective cure for arthritis, painful joints, and perhaps possibly cancer.

Use raw, shredded ginger root to give your canine friend a ginger treatment. The yellowish part of the ginger must be minced, grated, or ground into small bits of dust.

Dogs underneath thirty-five pounds should receive 1/2 a tsp, while big dogs above thirty-five pounds should receive 34 to a complete tsp.

Can Dogs Have Ginger Ale for an Upset Stomach?

If given in limited proportion, ginger ale could be good for canines. The beverage could be utilized to soothe an unsettled tummy as well as to reduce nausea. Nevertheless, you should, first of all, see your veterinarian ensure whether ginger ale is appropriate for your canine friend. Certain canines might well be sensitive to ginger or suffer from other healthcare issues that prevent them from drinking the beverage.

How Can You Serve Ginger Ale to Dogs? 4 TIPS

There are several factors to consider before giving your pet ginger ale.

1. Constantly consult your veterinarian to ensure whether ginger ale is okay for your pet before using it.

2. Feed ginger ale to your canine friend in moderate amounts. Vomiting, diarrhea, gas, and bloating might occur if you consume an excessive beverage.

3. Put ginger ale inside a tiny cup or bowl for your pet. This would keep them from consuming excessive alcohol in one go.

4. Don’t ever offer a plain or spoiled ginger ale to your canine friend. Carbonated drinks could rapidly lose their carbonation, therefore it is crucial to serving them cold.

Dog Friendly Alternatives to Ginger Ale?

When you want to give your pet something other than ginger ale, mentioned below are some of the possibilities.

1. Coconut Water: For canines, coconut water is indeed a fantastic substitute for ginger ale. It is high in electrolytes & therefore could aid calm a stomach problem.

2. Chamomile Tea: Some other fantastic choice for canines is said to be chamomile tea. It contains anti-inflammatory qualities and therefore may effectively solve an unsettled stomach.

3. Broth: For canines, a simple broth is indeed a wonderful substitute for ginger ale. It is gentle on your pet’s tummy and therefore may help him stay hydrated.

4. Drinking Water: In general, the healthiest alternative for canines has always been simple water. It’s essential to keep your canine friend hydrated, particularly if he or she is puking or suffering from diarrhea.

5. Pedialyte: You could offer Pedialyte to your canine when he or she is puking or suffering from diarrhea to assist refill their electrolytes.

What are the Dangers of Canines Ingesting Ginger Ale?

The dangers of giving your canine friend ginger ale can vary depending on the formulation. Although not all ginger ales include dangerous chemicals, most do. Stay updated for the following things:

  • Sweeteners made from artificial sources: Several sugar substitutes induce gastrointestinal irritation as well as diarrhea in canines, even when they are at their healthiest form. The most harmful substance to your canine friend is xylitol, which could induce convulsions or liver damage even in tiny amounts.
  • Carbonated water: Both humans, as well as canines, could experience bloating as a result of carbonation. Carbonation might end up making your canine friend feel much more unpleasant if they still have an unsettled stomach.
  • Citric acid: This extremely acidic component provides ginger ale its tangy flavor, however, it is also extremely damaging to your pet’s teeth.
  • High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS): High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a famous sugar substitute since it tastes sweeter as compared to sugar and allows producers to utilize less to obtain the intended taste. This low-cost substitute for real sugar may induce blood sugar surges in your canine friend, which could be very hazardous for diabetic dogs. Obesity could also be caused by consuming excessive HFCS.


After reading the whole blog regarding can a dog have ginger ale. Discussed below are a few points that you need to remember if you are a pet parent.

  • Although ginger ale may have benefited you with your sickness, you can not claim the similar for canines.
  •  Whereas the ginger may be acceptable, the acidity, carbonation, as well as sweetening chemicals are among the grounds to avoid giving your dog a drink of your soda. 
  • If the problem isn’t significant, not eating for a few hrs might help your dog’s stomach calm down a bit. Rather, consider taking your dog to the veterinarian if indeed the problems persist.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it okay for dogs to consume ginger?

True! In tiny dosages, ginger is healthy for your canine friend to ingest. It is indeed high in antioxidants, which could help canines experiencing motion illness, poor blood flow, vomiting, gastrointestinal issues, as well as bloating. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and therefore can benefit pets suffering from arthritis.

What is the appropriate dosage of ginger for my canine friend?

Ginger is safe for canines to ingest in tiny amounts. Feed your canine with just one tsp of pure ginger at a time. Your canine could become gaseous, queasy, or have heartburn when he consumes more than one tsp of ginger.

Can dogs have ginger ale soda?

You face the danger of raising your pet’s sugar levels and accidentally giving him caffeine toxicity if you give him a soda. When your canine consumes soda, they may experience gastrointestinal problems such as gas bubbles, diarrhea, and vomiting. Caffeine toxicity is a possibility for them.

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Hi, my name is Dave. I am the founder of You will find all the vital information about dog food here. Our team has a straightforward aim, to help you make the right decisions about dog food for your furry friend. We will keep posting more fact-based dog nutrition & food-related content. Please give your support & love.