Can Dogs Eat Octopus? – Is Seafood OK For Dogs? – [2022 Guide]

Did you accidentally drop a piece of octopus on the floor, and your dog eat it? Or you’re busy, and your dog jumped on the table (where you placed the raw or cooked octopus) and devoured it? We are sure you must be worrying and asking yourself, “Can Dogs Eat Octopus?” or “Should You Take Them To The Vet?” Stop worrying and read this article to get answers to your questions. 

Table of Contents

Can Dogs Eat Octopus?

Yes, your furry friends can eat octopus. It’s a blessing for your dog. However, feed octopus to your dog in small quantities and occasionally to avoid any health issues. You also need to ensure that the octopus you provide to your canine is cooked in a certain way. Moreover, if your canine is just a puppy, be careful while feeding them. 

Is Octopus Good for Your Dogs? 

Octopus is an excellent source of Vitamin B12, Omega-3, Iron, Selenium, and Copper. Dogs can eat well-cooked octopus in a small amount. If you feed octopus to your dog in moderation, it’ll not be poisonous or toxic for your furry friend. 

“According to the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Food Database, the 100g serving of steamed octopus contains 163 calories, 29.62g of protein, 4.37g of carbs, and 2.07g of fat. It is also rich in vitamins and minerals like 105mg of Calcium, 9.48mg of iron, 277mg of Phosphorus, 626mg of Potassium, and more.”

Hence, we recommend you occasionally feed your dog a small quantity of cooked octopus. If you have a puppy, be attentive to see any signs of toxicity after feeding the octopus. 

Health Benefits Of Cooked Octopus for Dogs

Octopus, if fed to your dogs correctly, can have several benefits. Let’s discuss all the benefits in detail:

#1. Provides energy – Octopus is a high source of protein that can energize your dog significantly. Your dog gains strength to remain active, allowing it to burn off its fat and calories. The amino acids in the proteins can help your dog’s healthy growth and development. Protein also helps build muscles in your dogs, leading to shinier coats. However, feeding too much protein is not good, so as long as you’re feeding a balanced diet to your dog, the octopus will not cause any harm to your dog’s health.

#2. Boosts immunity – Vitamins and Minerals in octopus boost your dog’s immunity and general health. Vitamin B12 improves digestion and increases the development of red blood cells. It also helps aid depression, drowsiness, and anxiety in dogs. Octopuses are also a rich source of minerals (copper, phosphorous, and iron) that improve dog’s muscle strength, bone structure, and good structure.

#3. Prevents heart diseases – The Omega-3 fatty acids in Octopuses help prevent cancer in canines and offer several benefits for the heart and cholesterol. It also helps with cognitive development and improves eyesight as well as the proper functioning of kidneys.

Side Effects of Feeding Octopus to Dogs

It would be best if you feed octopus in moderation to your dogs as if you do not meet the requirements, this can prove dangerous for your dog’s health. The heavy metals can cause poisoning that can make itself clear with diarrhea, vomiting, and pain.

Feeding octopus in large amounts can expose your furry friend to mercury. It can lead to blindness, blocking of enzymes, and issues with the neurological system in the long run. Moreover, some octopuses like blue-ringed contain neurotoxins in their saliva that can kill your dog.

Octopus can also lead to sodium poisoning in your dogs, especially if the octopus is not adequately cooked. Some symptoms of sodium poisoning are vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, depression, nausea, and fatigue. Sodium poisoning can be quite fatal for your dogs.
You should not make octopus a regular part of your dog’s meal, although it has many healthy nutrients. Ensure them a balanced diet, including carrots, chicken, beef, milk, and rice. It might also be possible that your dog is allergic to octopus, so if your dog is not eating octopus, don’t force your canine to eat it.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Octopus?

It’s a big NO! Raw octopus can cause various health issues in your dogs. Octopuses have a strong smell and taste that most dogs don’t like. They also have a tough texture that your dogs won’t be able to digest properly, causing digestion issues. Also, raw octopuses have plenty of harmful bacteria that can make your dog feel sick.

Precautions to Feed Octopus to Dogs

If you’re feeding octopus to your dog, here is a list of precautions you must follow. Let’s take a look at them to avoid various health issues.

  • Do not feed raw octopus to your dogs as it can be dangerous for their health due to the bacteria, heavy metals, and salt content.
  • Ensure you cook the octopus thoroughly before giving it to your dog. It would be best if you also avoid undercooked, dried, or canned octopus because artificial flavors, salt, and preservatives can harm your dogs.
  • Do not add spices, seasoning, or salt to the octopus even if you cook it, as this can lead to digestive issues due to the sensitive digestive systems of dogs.
  • Do not give octopus to your dog too often, although a rare treat can be okay.
  • It would be best to consult a vet before you try feeding octopus to your dog.
  • If your puppy or dog has allergies, consult your vet first or avoid octopus completely.
  • Consult a vet if your dog shows any symptoms of sodium poisoning or other signs.
  • Lastly, pups don’t always adjust to sudden food changes. So, introducing too many new foods to your dog can affect the pup’s digestion. It is safer to feed your puppy a smaller amount of anything new (including octopus) at a time for easy digestion and check for potential reactions. And better yet, consult your vet before making any significant changes in the puppy’s nutrition. 

How Much Octopus Can You Feed Your Dog?

It is an aspect you must consider before feeding octopus to your dog. Don’t feed too much octopus to your pup, no matter how nutritious it is.

Feeding your dog one or two slices of octopuses a day would be okay. The amount depends on your dog’s size, breed, and age. You can then cut the slices into smaller pieces, making it easier for the dog to chew.


Octopus is a good novel protein snacking choice for your dog. However, you should serve it in small quantities, and must be cooked adequately.

  • Octopuses are an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin B12, Copper, Phosphorous, Iron, and more that can be healthy for your dogs.
  • Raw or inadequate cooked octopus can be challenging for your dog to digest.
  • If you’re thinking of adding octopus to your dog’s meal, consult with a vet before.
  • Gradual introduction to octopus meal for your dog is the safest way to ensure that it doesn’t harm your furry friend’s health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can dogs eat Octopus?

Yes, dogs can eat octopus. However, feed octopus to your dog in moderation and make sure that the meat is adequately cooked.

Is seafood okay for dogs?

Yes, dogs can eat seafood, provided it is adequately cooked and given in moderation. Also, don’t add spices as they can affect your furry friend’s health.

Can dogs eat pickled Octopus?

Pickled octopuses typically contain huge amounts of sodium to preserve them. Too much sodium can absorb the water in your dog’s body, causing dehydration.

What are the side effects of feeding octopus to your dog?

Feeding octopus in excess amounts can lead to various health issues, including Vomiting, Diarrhea, Seizures,Sodium poisoning,Impacts neurological system.

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Hi, my name is Dave. I am the founder of You will find all the vital information about dog food here. Our team has a straightforward aim, to help you make the right decisions about dog food for your furry friend. We will keep posting more fact-based dog nutrition & food-related content. Please give your support & love.