Can Dogs Eat Scallops? – How Much Scallops Can Dogs Eat?

When it comes to seafood, people often get reluctant to feed it to their pets, especially dogs, due to the unpredictable nature of how it will react to the dogs and whether it is safe for them. However, these incredibly delicious bivalve mollusks are a good treat for your animal friend with health benefits, same as in the case of humans.

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Can Dogs Eat Raw Scallops?

Now, like animals, you usually can find dogs having no issue consuming raw meat and raw food since their body immunity and metabolism work differently from humans. Yet, it is dangerous for a dog to eat raw scallops due to various viruses, bacteria, and parasites, and you are advised not to feed them in the raw form. 

Can Dogs Eat Cooked Scallops?

After clearing out the dilemma of feeding raw scallops to a dog, the next question is whether dogs can eat scallops cooked to add taste. Again, the simple answer would be yes, but the consumption of cooked scallops in the dog’s diet must be in moderation to prevent your pet from possibility of any health issues. 

Are Scallops Safe for Dogs?

As mentioned above, consuming scallops in moderation for your dog is very beneficial in terms of health. Scallops have magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, proteins, and many other vitamins and minerals, which help a dog improve its immunity and overall health. Yet it is recommended to feed cooked scallops out of shells in small portions and in moderation to prevent your dog from choking and other health issues it may cause. 

Consult your vet before feeding your dog this seafood since few dogs can be allergic to such food or scallops. In contrast, if the dog has no reactions to shellfish, you can safely feed cooked scallops to your dog and track the reaction of scallops on your dog. It would be best to analyze whether your dog is suffering from diarrhea or an upset stomach after the consumption. 

Health Benefits of Scallops 

Scallops are an excellent source of nutrition for anyone who consumes this seafood. In addition, due to the multi-nutrition content of scallops, it is an ideal snack to feed your dog, which involves:


This nutrition is necessary for any animal’s nervous system, like humans, and also supports the consumer’s heart and acts as an excellent source for good health. 


Protein is probably the most famous and required by anyone’s body for good and vibrant health, which goes the same for dogs.


Specifically, the mineral phosphorus is essential for a dog’s body since it strengthens the bones and teeth of the dog.


This nutrient is essential for a dog’s nervous system since it helps transfer electric signals between the organs through nerves. 

How To Feed Scallops? 

Dogs can easily consume scallops, but there are some prerequisites and factors to be kept in mind before feeding scallops to your dog. 

Plain scallops

Unlike humans, seasoned food can be upsetting for a dog since it can worsen digestion. Add-ons like onions and garlic to scallops should be avoided in feeding dogs and instead be fed plain with fats since it can cause pancreatitis in dogs.

Removed shells

Remove shells from scallops before feeding them to your dog. Shells can choke your dog as they’re inedible by dogs and humans. 

Feed the scallops cool

Once cooked, scallops should not be directly fed to the dog since the hot scallop can burn the dog’s mouth, so to avoid such harsh situations, it is recommended to cool down the scallop before feeding the dog scallops.

Feed small pieces

Scallops can be huge for your dog to eat, so to avoid choking, it is preferred to feed your dog the scallops in small pieces and bits to be served as a snack.

Can Dogs Eat Cooked Shrimp?

When it comes to cooked food, another question that comes to mind is can dogs eat cooked scallops and shrimps? The former has already been answered, so in this section, we will discuss whether dogs can eat cooked shrimps or not. Dogs can eat cooked shrimps once they are boiled, cleaned, and shelled. With this, you must ensure that shrimps are fed to the dog plain and not seasoned with flesh left opaque while also cooked at a temperature of 145 degrees. 


To conclude, a few takeaways should be considered after discussing the topic. 

  • Scallops and shrimps are both consumable products for dogs that can provide multi-nutritional benefits to your dog.
  • Raw scallops can be dangerous for your dog due to the nasty viruses they may contain. 
  • Shrimp and scallops should be fed cool and not boiled, while they should be plain and not seasoned.
  • Both seafood items must be fed in small pieces to avoid choking.
  • Shells of scallops should be removed before feeding them to dogs, and they should not be served hot to avoid burns in the mouth of the dog.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are scallops toxic to dogs? 

No, cooked scallops aren’t toxic to dogs. However, raw scallops can cause shellfish poisoning in your pets. Also, ensure to feed them in moderation. 

Can dogs eat scallops or shrimp?

Yes, your dogs can eat both – scallops and shrimp as long as you’re feeding them in moderation and both are cooked adequately with no salt and seasonings.  

How soon will a dog show signs of poisoning?

It depends on the severity of the toxin involved and the amount of toxic food your dog has ingested. Sometimes, symptoms show up right away, whereas others might take a few hours after ingestion before they appear.

What are the symptoms of toxic poisoning in dogs? 

Here are the symptoms of toxic poisoning in dogs: 

  • Gastrointestinal signs include diarrhea, loss of appetite, vomiting, extreme salivation, nausea, loss of appetite, and dry heaving.
  • Internal bleeding is indicated by pale gums, a racing heart, vomiting blood, lethargy or weakness, or a dog’s falling over or collapsing.
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Hi, my name is Dave. I am the founder of You will find all the vital information about dog food here. Our team has a straightforward aim, to help you make the right decisions about dog food for your furry friend. We will keep posting more fact-based dog nutrition & food-related content. Please give your support & love.