Does Grain Free Dog Food Cause Loose Stools ? Simple Cure

You are here because you introduced a grain-free diet, and now it has loose motions! Gluten-free and grain-free seem to be the way these days. Grain-free dog food is a healthy change, but is it safe for consumption?

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Does Grain-Free Dog Food Cause Loose Stools 

No, it doesn’t. There is a common misconception that grain-free dog food causes loose stools in your furry friends. On the contrary, it is established through research and observation that sudden diet changes cause loose stools. Grain-free dog food is a blessing for your dog, and we’re here to tell you why:

What Is A Grain-Free Diet?

Grains include rice, wheat, oats, etc. A grain-free diet is where you eliminate all grains from your dog’s diet. While a grain-free diet is more popular with dogs with allergies and intolerance to grains, many veterinarians suggest keeping all dog diets grain-free. A grain-free diet is rich in vegetables and meat. 

Its common knowledge that a dog’s digestive system is meant to digest heavy food like chicken. So keeping in mind this, you should feed a high protein diet. However, while maintaining a high protein diet, you should also consider that dogs also need a lot of fibres as much as they need protein.

Hence, it is suggested that dog owners feed their dogs a balanced vegetable and protein-rich diet. In addition, vegetables have high fibre content; therefore, they should be a critical part of your dog’s food.

Is Grain-Free And Gluten-Free The Same Thing?

While gluten-free dog food does not contain grains like wheat, barley, rye, etc., grain-free dog food eliminates all kinds of grains like rice, sweet corn, etc. 

What Does A Grain-Free Diet Contain?

A grain-free diet includes sweet potatoes, peas, lentils, and quinoa. You can also feed your dog boiled vegetables and meat on a grain-free diet. However, a grain-free diet doesn’t necessarily mean that it is gluten-free.

It also takes away their carbohydrates when you cut out wheat, sweet corn, barley, and rice from your dog’s diet. Therefore, replacing these carbohydrates with other carbs is essential to ensure that your dog is healthy and energetic.

Does Grain-Free Dog Food Cause Allergies Or Intolerances?

If your dog has had allergies since a puppy, you should consider consulting a vet before introducing grain-free dog food. Even though it highly depends on the breed of the dog, you should be careful.

What Causes Loose Stools In Dogs?

Sudden diarrhea in dogs is a matter of concern. Dogs tend to put everything around them in their mouth, which could be a reason for them falling sick. In addition, they could have a bacterial infection or other allergies, and therefore it is advised that you take them to the vet for a complete checkup. 

 However, if you have changed your dog’s diet, he might suffer from loose stools for a couple of days. Also, changing your dog’s feed could be an intense experience for their bowel, and therefore, you should wait it out unless the condition is not extreme. The grain-free dog food you’re feeding them isn’t necessarily the villain.

Can Grain-Free Dog Food Cause Diarrhea?

To simply put it, no. There is no proof that grain-free dog food causes diarrhea in dogs. Not all dogs have the same digestive systems. 

Many qualified vets also suggest dog owners to go grain-free for their dogs. Even though grain-free food does not typically cause diarrhea, a sudden diet change could do so. 

If you are someone who introduced your dog to grain-free dog food, you will observe mild diarrhea in your dogs for 2 to 3 days. This diarrhea could result from diet change, not grain-free dog food. 

Is Grain-Free Dog Food Good For My Dog?

Grain-free dog food is a high source of protein. It is easier to digest and healthy. It also elevates any kind of allergies in dogs. Even though grain-free dog food could be a little heavy for their digestive systems on the first try, adjusting to it will be easy through gradual food transition. 

It is also believed that if your dog is suffering from itching, rashes, or digestive issues, a grain-free diet is the safest diet you can feed them.

Grain-free dog food is safe and gives dogs energy, and is lighter on their digestive system in the long run. A grain-free diet gives them a healthy bowel movement after a few days of consumption. Introducing grain-free dog food gently to your dog could prove very beneficial.

What Is Progressive Diet Change?

As dog parents, you know the benefits of grain-free dog food. We have already established that grain-free dog food does not cause loose stools in dogs. Rather sudden diet change could be the culprit. Therefore, progressive diet change is a very successful method to enable your dog to adjust to the new food.

For the progressive diet change method, you should mix the grain-free dog food with your dog’s regular food. Then, as time goes by, you can increase the amount of grain-free food and lower the amount of regular dog food. A progressive diet change will enable your dog’s digestive system to adjust to the diet.


Grain-free dog food is an excellent replacement for regular dog food. If you have a dog that has a sensitive stomach, grain-free dog food is their savior.

  • A grain-free diet is rich in fiber, protein, and carbohydrates. It is different from other dog foods, which contain gluten and grains. 
  • Grains and gluten can be challenging for your dog to digest. 
  • If you are looking for a healthy change in your dog’s diet, going grain-free is the best option. 
  • Gradual introduction to grain-free dog food for your dog is the safest way to ensure that it doesn’t cause loose stools.


Does Grain-Free Dog Food Make Dog Poop More?

Many dogs have loose stools on introduction to grain-free dog food. It’s normal. If the ailment continues, you can report it to your vet. You can also try the food progression method with grain-free dog food to ensure your dog doesn’t get an upset stomach.

What Can I Feed My Dog To Firm Up his Stool?

If your feeding quantity is correct and your dog still has loose stools, you could consider eliminating treats for your dog. You could also space out their meals to help them. Mashed sweet potatoes and potatoes are an excellent remedy to firm up your canine friend’s stool. 

Do Vets Recommend Grain-Free Dog Food?

Many vets recommend grain-free dog food to pet owners because it is safe and healthy for dogs. In addition, since a grain-free diet is rich in fiber and protein, it can benefit your dog.

Is Grain-Free Dog Food Better For Dogs With Sensitive Stomachs?

Yes! Grain-free dog food is the best food alternative for dogs with sensitive stomachs. Corn and wheat can be tough to digest if your pup has digestive issues.

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Hi, my name is Dave. I am the founder of You will find all the vital information about dog food here. Our team has a straightforward aim, to help you make the right decisions about dog food for your furry friend. We will keep posting more fact-based dog nutrition & food-related content. Please give your support & love.