Withholding Water From Dog at Night – [Restricting Water Intake]

Believe it or not, water plays a significant role in a dog’s physical and emotional health. The instructions for giving water to your dog at night are confusing. To begin, dogs must consume adequate water. Fortunately, most dogs can do this quickly if given fresh water. Unlike most other pets, dogs are excellent at responding to thirst signals and consuming as much as they require.

You can typically follow their indications when your dog has consumed enough water. On the other hand, water might make toilet training difficult for puppies. If a puppy drinks water late at night, it may need to go out again within a few hours. You’re unlikely to take them out if you’re sleeping, which can cause problems. As a result, some individuals advise not providing water to your dog at night to avoid their bladder growing full.

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How Much Amount of Water do Dogs Require?

Dogs, on average, require one ounce (0.0283495 kg) of water per unit of body weight each day. However, water consumption is affected by age, size, exercise, weather, and food.

Growth Age: Specific Puppies who have been nursed require one ounce (0.0283495 kg) of water per unit of body weight. A 20-pound (11.3398 kg) dog should drink twenty-five ounces of water. Middle-aged dogs, on the other hand, do not drink much water.

Meal Plan: Any dog on a dry diet will suffer from a lack of fluids in its meals. It’s critical to keep such pooches adequately drinking enough water, both with and without mealtimes. On average, dogs drink twice as much water as they eat. If a dog consumes three bowls of food per day, it is willing to consume six cups of water.

Climate Change: A dog requires more water to maintain its core temperature on a hot day. Keep in mind that dogs pant to keep themselves cool. As a result, they’ll require additional water to rehydrate.

Level of activity: When you take your dog on a walk, it’ll come home thirsty and suck every drop of liquid from the water bowl. Growing pups with lots of energy drink a lot of water because they need it for their growing demands and increased activity.

Do Dogs Require Water at Night?

Dogs require water; thus, restricting their intake is rarely recommended, and it can result in dehydration and a slew of other problems. Simultaneously, if puppies are drinking water, they may need to be brought out quite late.

It might be a concern if you’re toilet training. Your pet might not be able to wake you up, or it might not realize it should. It can lead to dangerous situations in the house, making potty training more difficult.

We believe it is critical to rule out any underlying health issues that may prompt your dog to urinate at night before removing the water.

Why do Owners Refuse to Give Their Pets Water at Bedtime?

Some dog owners restrict their puppies’ and dogs’ fluid intake at night. They allow their pet dog to drink as much water during the day while starting to end, decreasing the water supply.

When they are housetraining their dogs: Owners withhold water from their dogs at night for toilet training. Because the puppies are not yet trained, and if there is water nearby, they will drink and urinate repeatedly. As a result, owners provide water to puppies during the daytime and take them outside, but they keep it hidden at night.

To prevent unnecessary bathroom breaks: Dogs would wake you up at 2 a.m. to go outside and urinate. They awake you from a deep slumber to attend to their bathroom needs, which can be annoying. To prevent this annoyance, many dog owners limit their dogs’ access to water at night, usually one hour before bedtime.

To prevent overhydration: Sadly, most dogs over-hydrate themselves, referred to as water intoxication. Bloating, lethargy, and vomiting are all symptoms of overhydration in dogs.

Before undergoing a medical procedure: Owners may reduce their pets’ water intake in response to veterinarian requests. It could be because the veterinarian needs to administer treatment or perform a surgery that requires the bladder to be empty.

Why should you Withstand the Water of Your Dog at Night?

Several individuals believe that everyone, including dogs, should have access to safe drinking water all the time. It’s inhumane to withhold water from your dog at nighttime. Here are some reasons to withstand the water supply of your dog at night: 

Self Hydration: Dogs are pretty good at self-hydrating and rarely consume either little or too much water. Adult dogs have excellent bladder control and can keep the pee in their bladder for up to 11 hours, so denying them access to drinking water is not a good option.

Urinary Tract infection: Such infections are common in male dogs. According to studies, over 50% of dogs restricted from drinking water develop UTI symptoms, leading to kidney stones and sepsis.

Chronic Illnesses: Over time, some older dogs, especially those over ten, develop the general condition. They often develop Cushing syndrome, diabetes, and kidney infection due to increased thirst. 


According to the Dog Food Advisor, never leave your dog without access to water because dehydration can occur.

whether or not you give your dog water at night is basically up to you. We strongly advise providing individuals who have completed their potty training water at night. They should be able to hold their fluids overnight for no reason. 

Puppies are a bit more complicated. When water is provided, they can’t usually retain their bladder overnight. If your puppy is still learning, you can limit their access to water while still following a few hydration guidelines.

It can be assumed that restricting a healthy or sick dog to water is wrong. However, before you wish to remove the water bowl, consider some other strategies to assist them in making it overnight. Ensure the meal has enough liquid to keep them from becoming dehydrated or thirsty. Also, ensure that the supply is constant throughout the day.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do puppies need to drink water at night?

Puppies do need water, so we don’t recommend restricting their intake. It can lead to dehydration and many other health issues. 

Can dogs survive the night without water?

A dog can survive without water at night. The dogs are at rest for a longer time during bedtime, so you can withhold the water access to them.

When can puppies sleep through the night without peeing?

Generally, a 3-month-old pup can stay four hours without urinating. So, if you sleep for eight hours, you must get up once during the night to let your furry friend out to pee.

Should I wake my 8-week-old puppy up to pee at night?

YES, you should wake your puppy up to pee at night! Once a puppy reaches 4-6 months old, it will have almost a full-sized bladder and be able to hold in its urine for longer.

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Hi, my name is Dave. I am the founder of dogfoodfix.com. You will find all the vital information about dog food here. Our team has a straightforward aim, to help you make the right decisions about dog food for your furry friend. We will keep posting more fact-based dog nutrition & food-related content. Please give your support & love.