Can Dogs Eat Water Chestnuts ? – Chestnuts Poisonous to Dogs?

Water chestnuts are aquatic vegetables and rich in water. They are tubers that are grown in ponds and marshes. They are a very popular delicacy in Asia, where they fry or eat water chestnuts boiled. It is natural to share everything that you eat with your dog. So if you want to know more about whether can dogs eat water chestnuts, you are at the correct place.

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Can Dogs Eat Water Chestnuts?

Yes, dogs can eat water chestnuts, however, in moderation. Water chestnuts are an excellent source of hydration for dogs. They contain nutrients like potassium, vitamin C, and Omega 3 fatty acids. In addition, they help your dog maintain healthy heart function. Water chestnuts have gained a lot of popularity in American households, and therefore, before feeding your dog water chestnuts, read further.

Is Water Chestnut Safe For Your Dog?

You can feed water chestnuts to your canine friend on rear occasions. Since they are a crunchy type of food, you should steam or cook them before serving them to your dog. Before feeding your dog water chestnuts, ensure that you speak to your veterinarian and get their advice. Water chestnut should be served in small pieces to dogs since they can choke your dog.

If your dog has a history of food allergies, you should give them a small piece of water chestnuts and observe for any adverse symptoms.

Can Dogs Eat Water Chestnut Skin?

No, you should not feed your dog water chestnut skin as it is not edible. It is thick and tough and can get lodged in your dog’s esophagus. In addition, it can be a choking hazard, and therefore, you should avoid feeding your dog water chestnut skin.

Can dogs eat water chestnut seeds?

Water chestnuts do not have seeds big enough. However, if you find any while cutting them, you should remove them. Also, ensure that the water chestnut you feel your dog is cooked and chopped into small pieces since they can quickly become a choking hazard for your dog.

What Is In Water Chestnuts That Are Good For Dogs?

Water chestnuts are an excellent source of water for your dog. Here are some reasons to feed your dog water chestnuts:

  1. Water chestnuts have high protein content, which helps repair bones and cells. It helps build skin tissues and muscles in dogs, so you can safely feed water chestnuts to dogs.
  2. Water chestnuts are rich in potassium which helps regulate kidney function. It also helps in maintaining a healthy heart function and digestion.
  3. Water chestnuts are low-fat and high water content vegetables, which help in reducing calorie intake. Many dogs with lethargy and obesity are recommended to eat water chestnuts to help them be active and hydrated.

How Should You Feed Your Dog Water Chestnuts Safely?

Water chestnuts have become a trendy dog treat. Because of its high water content and potassium, it is an excellent treat for dogs. It helps dogs be hydrated and maintain a lot of bodily functions. But certain things are to be kept in mind before feeding your dog water chestnut. To make it a safe experience for your dog, know the following:

  • Give your dog a small piece of water chestnut before feeding them a full-fledged water chestnut. It helps gauge whether your dog has any allergy to it or not.
  • Give your dog cooked water chestnuts cut into small pieces. Water chestnuts are the size of a golf ball and can be a choking hazard for your dog.
  • While giving your dog water chestnuts, ensure they are steamed or boiled without any seasons. Since they are crunchy, they might become your dog’s favorite food; however, you should cook them first.

Your Dog Ate Too Many Water Chestnuts; Is It Safe?

Dogs with no food allergy history do not show any adverse symptoms after overeating water chestnuts. Since water chestnuts are mainly made up of water, they do not harm the dog. However, if your dog is allergic to water chestnuts, it might react badly to them. Therefore it is always advised to feed your dog a small portion of whatever you want to feed them before giving them an entire portion. If you see any adverse symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, disorientation, or extreme thirst in dogs, you should rush them to a doctor. The symptoms are usually allergic symptoms.


Water chestnuts are excellent for dogs. They are a great source of protein and keep dogs away from heart problems. In addition, they are an excellent source of potassium. However, before feeding your dog water chestnuts, consult your veterinarian. Keeping mind the following before feeding your dog water chestnuts: 

  • Remove the seeds of water chestnuts before feeding them to your dog.
  • Ensure that the water chestnut you give your dog does not have skin.
  • Please do not feed your dog canned water chestnuts or do not add any salt or spices to them.


Can Dogs Eat Cooked Water Chestnuts?

Yes. The safest way of feeding your dog water chestnuts is to cook them. You can do so by either steaming, boiling, or sauteing them. Ensure that you don’t add any seasoning or spices to them while cooking, as dogs don’t react to them. Keep onions and garlic also away from your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Frozen Water Chestnuts?

Frozen water chestnuts are not safe for dogs. Since frozen food contains preservatives and goes through intensive processes to preserve its freshness, it becomes unsafe for dogs. 

Can Puppies Eat Water Chestnuts?

Yes, you can feed puppies water chestnuts but in moderation. A puppy should be fed half of the food you give to a grown dog. Ensure to consult a veterinarian before feeding your dog water chestnuts.

Can Dogs Eat Canned Water Chestnuts?

A dog should not eat canned water chestnuts because all canned food contains sodium. This is because a high amount of sodium is added to preserve the contents of a can. Sodium can cause multiple health issues in dogs and lead to sodium poisoning.

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Hi, my name is Dave. I am the founder of You will find all the vital information about dog food here. Our team has a straightforward aim, to help you make the right decisions about dog food for your furry friend. We will keep posting more fact-based dog nutrition & food-related content. Please give your support & love.