Can Dogs Have Sour Cream – Here’s The Truth! – [Updated 2022]

If there is one thing in the world that you can’t resist, it is puppy eyes. Imagine you just sat on your porch and started to eat your nachos with a rad sour cream dip. And there comes your dog dashing towards you and wagging its tail. How can you ignore that tongue and share-what-you-are-eating look? So now, you begin to wonder, can dogs eat sour cream?

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Can dogs eat sour cream?

To cut the answer short, yes, you can give your dog sour cream. But only in moderation. While sour cream is not inherently toxic for dogs, it can harm them in the long run. Feeding any human food to your dog can, for an extended time, harm their health. So, while it’s okay to occasionally throw a dollop of sour cream on your dog’s food, it is not safe to do so daily. Read on to know more about can dogs eat sour cream.

What is sour cream made of?

The main ingredients of sour cream are whole milk, vinegar/lemon and salt. Some processes use xylitol and other preservatives if it is commercially produced. Sour cream is a milk-based product which is best served occasionally to dogs. It contains a high amount of Lactobacillus Acid, which gives it a tangy taste and adds to the pro-biotic qualities of sour cream. 

When can you give your dog sour cream?

You can serve your dog sour cream if it is not lactose intolerant. Most dogs are allergic to lactose because of the lack of lactase in their body. Lactase is an enzyme that helps in digesting lactose present in milk. If your dog is slightly allergic to lactose, sour cream could negatively impact your dog’s health. If your dog reacts to sour cream, you could see symptoms like diarrhoea, gas, vomiting, lethargy, and disorientation in dogs.

Why should you avoid feeding your dog sour cream?

There are some risks involved in feeding your dog sour cream:

1. Weight Gain: Since Sour cream is loaded with fat, it could lead to weight gain and many dogs. You should avoid feeding your dog sour cream regularly.

2. Upset Stomach: Sour cream has high-fat content. It could lead to gastrointestinal problems in your dog. Since sour cream is heavy to digest, it can lead to an upset stomach for your puppy. If your dog has a history of pancreatitis, it could worsen the condition. 

3. Lactose Intolerance: Lactose found in milk is digested by an enzyme called lactase which is absent in dogs. So when feeding your dog sour cream, remember that it should be in moderate quantity only. You can not feed your dog sour cream if it is allergic to lactose. Lactose intolerance in dogs can cause them gas, diarrhoea and vomiting.

4. Xylitol Poisoning: Many variants of sour cream present on market shelves contain xylitol. Xylitol is added to sour cream to give it a slightly sweet flavour. While it is not unhealthy for humans, dogs can be harmed by it. Anything with ‘sugar-free’ on the label is loaded with xylitol which can cause symptoms like seizures, lack of understanding, weakness, vomiting, lethargy and disorientation.

Does sour cream have any positive effects on dogs?

Like every other milk-based product, sour cream also contains a high calcium level. In addition, it is rich in nutrients like sodium, phosphorus and iron. therefore, it is a little beneficial to feed your dog sour cream.

What should you give your dog instead of sour cream?

You can feed your dog organic butter, plain yoghurt, peanut butter, bananas, kefir and dog ice cream treats. While all these ingredients contain a little lactose, they are lighter to digest and safe for dogs. While feeding your dog sour cream or any other variant, keep in mind that its nutritional value does not tend to the daily nutritional need of a dog. Therefore, ensure your dog has a healthy diet and is regularly fed dog food.


Sour cream is not toxic for dogs, unlike many other human foods. Even though sour cream is not entirely harmful to dogs, it is best avoided for them. Sour cream is okay as an occasional treat for your dog. It doesn’t affect them if they have a dollop of sour cream. While feeding your dog sour cream, remember that it is loaded with high-fat content and, therefore, should be avoided. Ensure :

  • That the sour cream that you feed your dog is fresh and sourced from a local farm.
  • That your dog is not allergic to milk products as many dogs are lactose intolerant.
  • Since sour cream is loaded with fat, it is best avoided from being fed to dogs. 


Can dogs have sour cream and onion chips?

Dogs can eat sour cream separately. Onion chips are unhealthy for dogs because of their high sodium content. In addition, it can cause an upset stomach in dogs if fed in a huge quantity. Finally, since onion chips are fried, they can be very high in fat and adversely affect your dog’s health.

Can dogs have sour cream and cheddar chips?

You can feed your dog sour cream separately. However, it would be best if you did not feed your dog cheddar chips because they are high in fat, and regularly feeding them cheddar chips could lead to fat gain in dogs. 

Can dogs have sour cream and onion pringles?

No, it would help if you did not feed your dog sour cream and onion Pringles. Onion pringles are loaded with sodium and, therefore, can be a health hazard for your dog. Onions are a hazardous food for dogs and therefore should be avoided altogether.

Can dogs have cheddar and sour cream chips?

No, you should not feed your dog shelter and sour cream chips. Both these milk-based ingredients have an extremely high level of fat in them. It can upset your dog’s gastrointestinal system. Remember that most human foods are unsafe for dogs, especially if loaded with salt and fat.

Can dogs Drink Sour milk?

Milk goes when there is an overgrowth of bacteria in it. Eating sour milk can cause gas in dogs. Since the bacteria is too high to digest, it could lead to vomiting, gas and diarrhoea symptoms.

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Hi, my name is Dave. I am the founder of You will find all the vital information about dog food here. Our team has a straightforward aim, to help you make the right decisions about dog food for your furry friend. We will keep posting more fact-based dog nutrition & food-related content. Please give your support & love.