Is Pomegranate Toxic to Dogs? Guide 2022

Pomegranates are healthy fruit that is primarily red in color. The fruit contains nutrients like vitamin C, citric acid, and malic acid. They are immunostimulant, antioxidant, cardio-protecting, and have anti-tumor activity. Let’s try to understand the reasons why is pomegranate toxic to dogs.

Pomegranate has been used to treat various health disorders in humans for thousands of years. Unfortunately, dogs can’t eat pomegranates because they are toxic to dogs. We are here to tell you why pomegranate fruit is toxic to dogs?

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What Is Pomegranate?

Pomegranates are fruit-bearing shrubs that belong to the botanical family Punicaceae. They grow up to 6 feet tall, with reddish bark and green leaves. Pomegranates produce bright red flowers that eventually become greenish fruits called pomes, containing juicy seeds that make up most of the fruit’s volume.

How Safe Are Pomegranate Seeds for Dogs?

Pomegranate seeds are not safe for dogs because they can cause serious health problems if consumed by them. According to Pet Poison Helpline, these seeds contain an oil called cyanogenic glycosides which can cause serious side effects in dogs such as vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, seizures, and death if consumed in large quantities.

The risk of poisoning from pomegranate seeds is increased when they are chewed or crushed before consumption because they release more cyanogenic gly

Why do people think pomegranate is toxic to dogs?

Many foods are toxic to dogs, and pomegranate is one of them. This does not mean that you should not feed your dog pomegranate, be aware that it is a potential source of toxicity.

Many people think pomegranate is toxic to dogs because they have heard that the seeds can cause kidney failure in pets. The truth is, not the seeds themselves cause problems but the chemicals within them.

Pomegranate contains a large amount of tannins, which are chemical compounds found in plants and animals. Tannins are present in many foods, including tea and red wine. They can bind with proteins in the stomach, which prevents them from being appropriately digested or absorbed into the body.

When tannins are consumed in large amounts, they can bind with proteins in the kidneys, causing inflammation and damage to their structure.

It is important to note that pomegranate toxicity only occurs when dogs consume large amounts of this fruit or its seeds over a long period, which would require a lot of chewing! A healthy adult dog would not suffer any ill effects from eating small amounts every few days or even once per week.

How Can I Give My Dog the Benefits of Pomegranate Without the Potential Harm?

Instead of giving your dog raw pomegranate seeds or juice, you can provide him with cooked pomegranate seeds. Cooked pomegranate seeds are safe for dogs to eat as they contain fewer oxalates than raw ones. You can also give your homemade dog smoothies with cooked pomegranate seeds or juice instead of giving him the whole fruit itself.

If you want to give your pet raw pomegranates, make sure that you cut out all the white membranes from around each seed before feeding them to your pet. This is because they contain high levels of oxalates which are not suitable for dogs to consume in large amounts.


Pomegranate is not toxic to dogs; however, there are several instances where dogs can become ill from eating pomegranate. If you give your dog pomegranates regularly, you’ll want to identify common signs of potential sickness and ways to avoid them. A little preventative care now will go a long way down the line.

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