What should I do if My Dog Ate a Popsicle Stick? – Updated May 2022

If you are a pet owner, you would know that one of the most common phrases will always be ‘spit it.’

The fur buddy will never miss a single chance to get to the paws on anything they find appealing to their stomachs, and more often than not, your dog may eat things that are just not supposed to be eaten like the non-food items.

They may also suffocate, or the item may get stuck somewhere in their digestive system, or it may cause further unpredictable damage.

Points to remember when your dog eats a popsicle stick

Whenever there’s a situation you are unsure about how you can handle, the first thing to do is to call out to your vet and inform them about the situation.

If your dog happens to eat a stick, but there are no immediate symptoms of discomfort, your vet may recommend letting them eat something bulky, which can help the stick pass through.

Bread usually helps in this case; it’d be better if you lubricate it with the mineral oil and avoid using olive oil or butter.

If a check-up is not said to be necessary, you are likely to be asked to keep monitoring your pet and look out if you see any change or notice anything abnormal in their behavior.

There are a few symptoms you must look out for lethargy, lack of appetite, diarrhea, bloody stools, vomiting, and anything out of the ordinary.

Table of Contents

Symptoms of Eating a Popsicle Stick

Symptoms of Eating a Popsicle Stick 1

You need to consult your vet the moment you see any symptoms. At these times, your vet may suggest feeding your dog. Here are the signs that your dog might show when it eats a popsicle stick:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Lethargy
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloody feces
  • Weak posture
  • Puking
  • Other discomfort or abnormal signs

Monitor your dog for these symptoms and call your vet immediately for quick treatment.

Risks Involved While Eating a Popsicle Stick

Risks Involved While Eating a Popsicle Stick 1

There are several risks involved if your dog eats a popsicle stick. However, risks are based on many factors. First, you must know how much stick your dog has chewed.

If the popsicle is chewed correctly, it may not cause much trouble down the esophagus. However, if it has been swallowed down as a whole or has sharp edges, it may block the digestive tract, causing intestinal blockage.

The risk also involves posing trouble to the internal organs. Secondly, the chances also depend on the dog’s size. If you have a smaller breed, the dog will have a minor throat and digestive system.

It may make things challenging for the dog to dig the body and handle rough wood fragments.

Let’s discuss each risk in detail:

1. Poisonous Wood – Popsicle sticks are usually treated and are not poisonous. However, there are many types of wooden sticks and few which could be dangerous for dogs. For example, applewood is toxic for dogs.

Unfortunately, it could be tough to tell which kind of stick your dog ate. Therefore, you need to keep a close look at your dog. However, if there is something abnormal, report it to your vet.

2. Piercing Sticks – One of the common risks associated if you think your dog ate a popsicle stick is that its sharp edges may pierce the internal organs. The risk is higher if your dog hasn’t chewed the stick correctly.

The worst-case scenario may also result in internal bleeding. In addition, you must look out for feces or vomit in the blood. Blood is an indicative way to spread infection, so you must contact the vet immediately in any circumstances.

Why Do Dogs Eat Sticks?

Why Do Dogs Eat Sticks

Dogs eating and chewing on random stuff are just dogs tending to sink in their teeth into whatever they find. It is the kind of behavior that is quite natural, and there’s not exactly anything you need to worry about.

On the flip side, if your dog starts eating or chewing things like sticks suddenly and regularly, it may signify that something could be wrong with your pup.

There are Some Reasons Why Your Dog Eats Sticks:

1. Toothache – If your dog is experiencing dental or mouth discomfort, they might chew on sticks. The reason is that it will help them in relieving pain. However, they unknowingly end up making it worse.

2. Digestive Disorder – If there are stomach intestines or inflammation, eating sticks maybe your dog’s way to deal with it. Aggressive stick-eating may also signify other illnesses like worms, gastritis, or tumors.

3. Anemia – If your dog suffers from Anemia, they have low red blood cells or an iron count. There’s a possibility that they might develop a condition called pica. It translates into a constant craving for non-food stuff. A complete physical examination helps to diagnose these medical conditions.

4. Hunger – As strange as it may sound, your pup may be eating sticks or other things as they may be starving. Maybe they are not finding the food you are giving them much to their liking, or other dogs or pets in your home are stealing food when you are not around or looking.

Things to Do When a Dog Eats a Popsicle Stick

Things to Do When a Dog Eats a Popsicle Stick 1

When you find out about the dog eating a whole popsicle stick, you must remember that no one knows it better other than the vet. The vet is specialized and aware of your canine companion’s mind and body.

In case your dog ate a popsicle stick and swallows it whole, these are the things you must remember in that scenario:

(1) Call your vet

(2) You must take the wastes in your hands and notice if there are any ruddy popsicle stick fragments. In case you see blood, it is a sign of infection.

Monitor your dog’s reaction. Notice if there are any abnormalities.

Check the feces. It is the solution that may require you to wear gloves and get your hands dirty.

Look out for symptoms. Notice if your dog is vomiting, walking abnormally, or feeling lethargic.

Dogs want to eat things they are not supposed to eat. It is not reasonably possible to keep an eye on them every time, so you must not blame yourself. The best you can do is call your vet immediately and seek medical advice if you know what to do next since no one is better aware of your dog’s medical history.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a Dog Digest a Stick?

The answer is a big NO! Your dog can chew/ eat a stick but can’t digest it. If you think your dog has eaten a stick, monitor any signs of bleeding, lethargy, puking, or any other signs of discomfort. Call your vet immediately if your dog experiences severe pain.

Can a Dog With an Obstruction in its System?

If your dog ate the popsicle stick, it would take approximately 72 hours to pass the digestive system. Your dog can pass the stool with obstruction, but it might experience some pain in its abdomen when passing the stool. You may also see blood in your canine’s stool.

Is it Safe for a Dog to Eat a Popsicle Stick?

It depends on the size of your dog and the amount of stick your dog has eaten. If your dog is large, the stick can pass down the stool usually in the next 72 hours. However, if it’s a small pup, the rough wood fragments of the stick can damage your dog’s internal organs.

How to Stop Your Dog From Eating a Popsicle Stick?

The best thing you can do is keep your dog away from all the objects that can harm your dog. Keep objects like popsicle sticks and glass out of your dog’s reach. Also, start training your dog from a younger age and let your dog know that it’s not the right thing to eat.

Can Popsicle Stick Lead to Death in Dogs?

Usually, dogs pass wooden stick without any problem. However, the stick can be poisonous to your dog if it eats these sticks in a large amount, such as oak, buckeye, apple, and locust. Moreover, if your dog eats stick in a large amount, it may experience choking, blockage in the intestines, or sharp wood edges that can perforate your dog’s mouth, digestive tract, or esophagus.

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Hi, my name is Dave. I am the founder of dogfoodfix.com. You will find all the vital information about dog food here. Our team has a straightforward aim, to help you make the right decisions about dog food for your furry friend. We will keep posting more fact-based dog nutrition & food-related content. Please give your support & love.