Why Do Dogs Lick Each Other’s Eyes?- Is It a Problem? Full Guide

Have You Seen Your Dog Licking The Eyes of Another Dog?

This can be due to a variety of factors. Dogs may lick each other to please the other or to indicate submission. It may be an instance of mutual grooming. Some canines produce more ocular discharge and/or tears than others.

Dogs may lick each other to please the other or to indicate submission. It may be an instance of mutual grooming.

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Why Do Dogs Lick?

Canines utilize their mouths for various purposes, including feeding, marking, and creating boundaries with other dogs, animals, and people. If you’ve spent any time with dogs, you’re probably aware of their proclivity to brush themselves or treat wounds with their tongues.

Dogs lick for various purposes, including sociability, greeting, self-soothing, and even stimulating specific body systems. In their early days, mother dogs may lick their puppies to urge them to use the toilet, and licking as a sort of grooming is a behavior that dogs keep with them for the rest of their lives.

Why Do Dogs Lick Each Other’s Eyes And Ears?

Dogs lick each other’s eyes for various reasons. Let’s have a look at such reasons.

They Appreciate the Taste of Tears:

The most popular reason is that tears contain salt, and dogs naturally prefer salt. They may associate the taste of tears with the flavor of food. Furthermore, our tears are somewhat different from usual when we weep. They are higher in protein and lower in electrolytes.

It is an Example of Submissive Behavior:

Licking the other dog’s face, especially around the eyes, indicates that the licking dog regards the other dog to be the alpha or leader. Dogs will frequently kiss the face of someone they see as superior to them to demonstrate submission.

Dogs Use Licking to Groom One Another:

They believe they are bathing the other dog. This is especially frequent in mother dogs. Dogs enjoy being clean and will frequently assist one another by licking them.

It’s a Symbol of Love:

Licking is one-way dogs communicate through body language and facial emotions. When dogs kiss one other’s faces, it usually’s to express a message of peace, love, and friendliness.

It is a Method of Establishing Dominance:

A dog will lick another dog’s face to assert dominance in rare circumstances. This is especially frequent in male dogs. This behavior is more common in dogs that have not been neutered.

They Are Attempting to Clean The Other Dog’s Eyes:

They may lick the eyes of other dogs to clean them. This is especially true if the other dog has dirt or a foreign item in its eye. If you see your dog licking other dogs’ eyes more frequently than usual, it’s most likely because he or she is attempting to assist with grooming.

Should You Be Concerned About Your Dog’s Eye Licking?

You may maintain the relationship as long as both dogs are comfortable with it and the licking does not become compulsive. However, if you see any of the following, you should intervene and limit the licking:

  • The licked dog is snarling, lifting his lips, or snapping.
  • The licked dog attempts to flee but is relentlessly chased by the other.
  • The licking dog licks for longer and longer lengths, appearing unable to settle down.
  • The licking dog is beginning to exhibit this behavior with any dog he encounters.
  • A dog is trying to lick the wounds of another dog.

If any of the preceding occurs, intervene and, if necessary, separate the dogs.

Should I Discourage Eye Licking Behavior?

There is no right or wrong response to this topic because it depends on your own tastes and your dog’s behavior. Some people don’t mind if their dog licks other dogs, while others find it annoying.

If you’re concerned about your dog’s licking, you should always seek expert advice from a veterinarian or animal behaviorist. There might be an underlying medical or behavioral explanation for your dog’s licking, which should be investigated.

Is Licking an Indication of Dominance in a Dog?

In specific ways, a dominant dog could lick or accept this gesture. To express acceptance, the dominant dog will lick the subordinate dog. The dog will snarl if he or she wishes to reject the licks.

The dog’s licking habit is the polar opposite. The offering pup or dog demonstrates a submissive approach by kissing another dog’s mouth. This signifies that the giving dog is not looking for a battle and is merely there to provide peace.

Dogs form relationships in this manner. A submissive dog will avoid eye contact, have flattened ears, rollover, reveal its belly, lick another dog’s muzzle, and wag its tail low in the company of other dogs.

When a dog licks the mouth of an alpha male, the dominant will lick the subordinate dog to accept the peace offer. Moisture from licking another dog might cause illness. This habit is especially pronounced in breeds with folded ears, where moisture accumulates.

A dog may lick excessively due to underlying medical disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder. In this situation, arrange an appointment with your veterinarian.

Should I Allow my Dog to Lick The Ears of my Other Dog?

If the dog being licked does not already have an ear infection, he may get one. The saliva from the other dog’s mouth, according to Dr. Pike, might result in a constantly moist ear, which is “a good habitat for yeast and germs to develop.” This can result in “otitis externa,” an infection of the external ear.


It is natural and typical for one of your dogs to lick the other’s eyes. It is related to an appeasing behavior and calming signal and is not usually troublesome.

However, if the dog being licked does not appear to appreciate the gesture or if licking becomes compulsive, you must interfere. Allowing negative encounters to continue can build animosity and further escalation between the dogs in the future. The most incredible method to have a happy, well-balanced multi-dog family is to address undesired habits as soon as they occur.

FAQ: Why Do Dogs Lick Each Other’s Eyes?

Why do Dogs Lick Each Other’s Ears And Eyes?

Two dogs kiss each other’s ears. Dogs will lick each other as a show of affection while living in packs, whether in the wild or at home with other pets. Dogs occasionally lick one another as a greeting or sign of submission to a more dominant canine.

Why Does my Dog Lick His or Her Paws?

There are a variety of reasons why your dog licks their paws. Licking can occur due to trauma, the environment, or allergies. When something as basic as dirt annoys your dog, they usually lick their feet.

The most prevalent reason for paw licking is allergies. Their skin becomes sensitive, especially between the toes, resulting in continuous licking. Licking their paws can also be caused by stress and boredom.

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