Can Dogs Have Lychee? – Is Lychee Juice Good For Dogs?

Oh, sweet, sweet lychee! You just discovered lychee, and now you want to bring it home. Lychee is juicy, loved, and popular fruit in many American households. As pet parents, you might have wondered if you could feed lychee to your dog. Many questions arise when your dog consumes a typical kind of food. So this time, your dog ate lychee, and now you want to know if it is safe?

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Can Dogs Eat Lychee?

Yes, dogs can eat lychee on rare occasions. However, since lychee is a sugar-rich fruit, it could be a hazard for your dog. Therefore, lychee should only be served to dogs moderately. Now that we have told you that lychee is safe for dogs, we will indulge in in-depth knowledge about the topic for you to make an educated decision.

What Is Lychee?

Lychee is a juicy fruit grown in Asia. It is a trendy and loved fruit because of its sugary taste. It is covered with bumpy skin; sometimes, it is also called alligator strawberry because of this. It is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals like phosphorus, potassium, and vitamin C. It is also a great fiber source that helps maintain digestive health.

Is Lychee Bad For Dogs?

Lychee is an occasional excellent treat for your canine friend. However, lychee has a high amount of sugar and could be hazardous to dogs. Additionally, lychee contains a big brown seed which could be a choking hazard for your dog. The seed is terrible in taste and has harmful effects on the digestive system. Because of its high sugar, lychee should be served occasionally and sparsely to dogs.

Can Lychee Be Toxic To Dogs?

Lychee can be toxic to dogs if it is not ripe. There have been many cases of death after consuming unripe lychee fruit in humans. Make sure that the lychee you feed your dog is fully ripe. Unripe lychee could affect the blood glucose level in dogs.

Does Lychee Have Any Health Benefits For Dogs?

A moderate amount of lychee can be healthy for dogs. 

  • Lychee is rich in fiber and is a healthy dog treat. It will keep your dog’s digestive system healthy and elevate symptoms like constipation.
  • Even though lychee is high in sugar, it is a low-calorie fruit. 
  • Lychee is rich in vitamins and minerals. It is an excellent source of phosphorus and potassium vitamin C. It helps boost your dog’s immune system.

Is Lychee Seed Safe For Dogs?

Lychee seeds can cause indigestion in dogs and other health-related problems. Even though there is not much research on this topic, vets suggest that lychee seed should be kept away from dogs. Apart from causing health concerns, it could also be a choking hazard for dogs, and their food should be avoided at all costs.

Additionally, lychee seeds contain saponin, used to make detergents and soap. Therefore, it can negatively affect a dog’s immune system and cause saponin toxicity.

What If My Dog Over Ate Lychee?

Over-eating lychee could give your dog some painful experience. In addition, if consumed in a high quantity, lychee could affect your dog’s blood sugar level and cause indigestion and weight gain. Even though lychee is low in calories, consuming it in high amounts could negatively affect the digestive system and make a dog gain weight.

How To Feed Lychee Safely To Dogs?

Before feeding your dog lychee, ensure that the lychee does not have skin. Also, ensure that you only serve your dog the pulp of the lychee and without the seed. Lychee seed can cause indigestion in dogs and could be a choking hazard; therefore, you should ensure that it’s not served to the dogs.

Remember that dog kibble is the safest food you can give to your dog. Most human foods don’t work well with dogs, so you shouldn’t experiment with them. 


Before feeding your dog lychee, you should consult your veterinarian. They will recommend the kind of lychee for your particular type of dog. Lychee is a safe fruit for dogs and is not toxic to them. However, this doesn’t mean you can feed them lychee without thinking. It is okay to serve lychee as an occasional treat; however, it should not be made a habit. While feeding lychee to your dog, remember the following: 

  • You should ensure that the lychee you feed to your dog is perfectly ripe.
  • Before feeding it to your dog, take the seed out. Lychee seeds could be a choking hazard for your dog and, if swallowed, could be toxic.
  • Remember to take off the peel of the lychee before giving it to your dog.
  • Since lychee has a high amount of sugar, you should feed it moderately to your dog.


Can Dogs Have Lychee Jelly?

A high amount of sugar is added to Lychee jelly while manufacturing. This makes it a harmful treat for your dog. Make sure that if you get lychee jelly at home, you keep it out of your dog’s reach. It can cause severe health symptoms like lethargy and pancreatitis in dogs.

Can Dogs Have Lychee Fruit?

Yes, you can feed your dog lychee fruit occasionally. However, even though it is a naturally occurring food, it is high in sugar. Sugar is highly harmful to dogs and, therefore, should be kept away from them.

Can Dogs Eat Lychee Skin? 

Lychee skin could be a choking hazard for your dog, and their food should be kept away from your dog. Also, ensure that the lychee you serve your dog does not have hard skin or seeds. Since lychee skin is coarse, it could irritate your dog’s food pipe and cause a lot of pain to your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Unripe Lychee?

Unripe lychee could cause indigestion and an upset stomach in dogs. It could also lead to loose stools and vomiting. Therefore you should keep unripe lychee away from dogs. In many cases, feeding unripe lychee could be fatal for dogs. 

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Hi, my name is Dave. I am the founder of You will find all the vital information about dog food here. Our team has a straightforward aim, to help you make the right decisions about dog food for your furry friend. We will keep posting more fact-based dog nutrition & food-related content. Please give your support & love.