Can Dogs Eat Swiss Chard? – Can Dogs Eat Chard Stems?

Did you know that dogs are omnivorous animals? This means that they can eat vegetables and meat alike! With this information, the scope of feeding your dog increases. You can provide your dog with leafy vegetables and meat. Swiss chard is a healthy source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Which brings us to the question: is Swiss chard safe for your dog?

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Can Dogs Eat Swiss Chard?

Yes, dogs can safely consume Swiss chard. They can eat Swiss chard in moderate quantities, but this is only for you. Eating Swiss chard can give your dog major flatulence, which could be an uncomfortable experience for you and your dog. Since this vegetable is packed with many nutrients, you need to read forward to know why you should feed your dog Swiss chard:

What Is Swiss Chard?

Swiss chard is a leafy vegetable comma from the family of spinach and kale. It is an excellent source of fiber. Additionally, it contains vitamins like Vitamin C, K, A, E, and B6. It has minerals like phosphorus, calcium, zinc, and potassium. It is mainly consumed as salad leaves along with kale and lettuce.

What Pieces Of Swiss Chard Can My Dog Eat?

You can feed your dog the whole Swiss chard plant. However, while feeding the stem, make sure that you cut it into small pieces to ensure that it does not become a choking hazard for your dog.

Can I Feed My Dog Swiss Chard?

Dogs are omnivores, and they love leafy vegetables. One of the reasons dogs like to chew on grass is this. Swiss chard is an excellent addition to your dog’s food in moderation. However, since it contains a high amount of oxalate, it could cause certain health conditions related to the kidneys and heart. Therefore, it is always suggested to feed your dog Swiss chard in moderate quantity.

What Are The Benefits Of Swiss Chard?

  • Swiss chard helps a dog’s body against diseases like cold, fever, and lack of appetite.
  • It is an excellent vegetable for vision problems as it contains vitamin A. Vitamin A helps maintain the eyes’ health.
  • Swiss chard is a rich source of minerals and vitamins. Your dog can benefit from Swiss chard’s potassium, iron, calcium, and phosphorus.
  • Swiss chard also has a good amount of iodine and magnesium. Magnesium helps aid the digestive system. Iodine is necessary for thyroid health.
  • Vitamins and minerals in plants get absorbed more easily and quickly than in meat.
  • Swiss chard has a high amount of water which hydrates the dog and is a diuretic.
  • Swiss chard also helps in fighting anemia with the help of vitamin C and antioxidants.
  • It is an excellent source of fiber and helps dogs pass a firm and healthy stool. Fiber also absorbs extra water and reduces bloating.

How Can I Safely Serve My Dog Swiss Chard?

There are two options and ways to serve your dog Swiss chard. One is by cooking it, and the other one is serving it raw.

Serving Raw Swiss Chard:

Make sure that you cut Swiss chard into small pieces. Swiss chard stem can be a choking hazard for dogs, and their food should be chopped into small pieces before serving. Make sure that Swiss chard is not more than 10-15% of your dog’s diet. Ensure that you also serve meat to create a wholesome meal for your dog.

Serving Cooked Swiss Chard:

Serving it cooked is the safest way to serve your dog Swiss chard. You can cook Swiss chard by cutting it into small pieces and boiling it in water. Boiling it in water breaks down the oxalate present in Swiss chard. Oxalate present in Swiss chard can negatively harm a dog’s health. It can take away a dog’s ability to absorb calcium properly. Therefore, make sure that Swiss chard is properly quick before serving.

What Happens If My Dog Overeats Swiss Chard?

Overfeeding your dog swiss chard can cause:

  • Kidney failure and stones
  • Heart-related issues
  • Blood in urine

Therefore, make sure that you serve your dog Swiss chard in moderation. Even with the enormous benefits that Swiss chard has, it is safe to give your dog a balanced meal with lots of protein to ensure its optimal health!


Swiss chard is full of healthy nutrients. It is an excellent addition to your dog’s diet. It contains calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C, A, K, E, and B6. These vitamins and minerals are essential for your dog’s overall physical growth. Even though Swiss chard has a high amount of fiber and benefits, it should be served to your dog moderately. Make sure that your dog is not overfed Swiss chard.

  • You can serve Swiss chard boiled or raw to your dog.
  • You can add broccoli, lettuce, carrot, and artichokes to your dog’s meal to make it healthy.
  • Ensure that your dog gets adequate proteins for its overall growth along with Swiss chard.


Can Dogs Eat Swiss Chard Stems?

You can serve your dog Swiss chard stems. But make sure you cut the stems into small pieces to ensure that it does not choke your dog. Also, remember that you should not overfeed your dogs with Swiss chard since it can cause health complications in dogs. 

Can Dogs Eat Cooked Swiss Chard?

The safest way to give your dog Swiss chard is by boiling it. Boiling Swiss chard lessens the oxalates in them. Oxalates can cause many health complications.

Can Dogs Eat Swiss Chard Raw?

Yes, dogs can eat Swiss chard raw. However, you must cut and wash the Swiss chard leaves properly before feeding them to your dog. Swiss chard is a decent addition to your dog’s diet if fed correctly. It is rich in nutrition and vitamins.

Can Dogs Eat Swiss Chard Safely?

Yes, dogs can eat Swiss chard safely. It is a nutrient-rich leafy vegetable. It contains vitamin C and B6, essential for every dog’s health. Additionally, dogs require green vegetables for their metabolism and immune system.

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Hi, my name is Dave. I am the founder of You will find all the vital information about dog food here. Our team has a straightforward aim, to help you make the right decisions about dog food for your furry friend. We will keep posting more fact-based dog nutrition & food-related content. Please give your support & love.